Surabaya Cambridge School is a private school for boys and girls from Preschool to Grade 12. It is managed by Pelita Kasih Sejati.

Cambridge curriculum is mainly the basis of the teaching-learning experiences of the students. The program enables the students to face the challenges that they will encounter here and abroad. SCS aims to develop students to become global citizens who can express themselves in a multilingual and multicultural environment. The aim and preparation of Cambridge are best described below:

“Cambridge programmes prepare students for life – helping them to develop an informed curiosity and lasting passion for learning. Cambridge helps students become confident, responsible, reflective, innovative and engaged. Ready to tackle the demands of tomorrow’s world, capable of shaping a better world for the future. That’s why success with Cambridge opens doors to the world’s best universities – in the US, the UK, Australia, Canada and beyond.”

Formation of desirable values is given emphasis in character education subject in primary, values education in secondary and most importantly during religion class in all levels. This is to inculcate on the students the importance of having a pleasing personality and character.

The school uses a trilingual approach with instruction in English, Mandarin and Bahasa Indonesia.  The diverse faculty includes the native Chinese speakers, expatriate teachers and local Indonesian educators.  Students typically stay at the school for an average of 14 years, indicating a long-term commitment to the school community.

The academic year runs from the second or third week of July to the second week of June, with breaks in December and a 3-4 week holiday after each academic year.

Extracurricular activities are offered in the afternoons, providing students with opportunities to engage in various interests outside of the classroom.

SCS is committed to shaping the future by providing excellent educational experiences, developing and guiding students to put virtues into practice and leading them to become fruitful members of a society. Vision Mission SCS is focused on preparing students to become academically excellent, globally competent, environmentally-aware, God-fearing and service-oriented.

Character Refinement

Character is an integral aspect of an individual. Empowering the students with desirable behaviour that will lead them to having a decent life is the shared mission of parents and educators since it encompasses the character values that are imparted first at home and reinforced in school.

Through this partnership, the clear vision of moulding individuals with excellent character will be attained. Furthermore, leading a lifestyle that reflects positive behavior is the most important contribution of our students to the community.

Our Character Education program includes the following pillars:

Godliness    Nationalism    Optimism    Honesty    Punctuality    Diligence

Responsibility    Obedience     Benevolence    Politeness    Teamwork

Welcome and Greetings
from The Heart of
Surabaya Cambridge School
SCS is a “child-centered” school wherein all teaching and learning activities are aimed at developing all positive aspects in students. This school is not just committed to develop a student intellectually, but it is geared more towards the development and refinement of character, moral values, spiritual and cultural values, ​which are worth securing in this super modern life.

The world is changing very fast; technological development is unstoppable and whether we like it or not, our children take part in this development. Our task as an institution is to prepare them holistically not just to survive this fast changing world but to prepare them to become successful individuals. If they get a good foundation in high school they will get admitted in Universities that will train them to become fruitful or useful members of the society; responsible for their own actions and the community where they belong.

SCS is devoted to raise a God-fearing generation because the fear of God is the beginning of all science and wisdom. As SCS is committed to form a generation of individuals with excellent character and high quality of living, we work hand in hand with the parents who have the same commitment and concern.
Diana Sutanto School Director

What Parents Say About SCS

SCS sebagai sekolah yang terhitung baru berdiri tetapi mutunya tidak kalah dengan sekolah lain yg sudah ada nama.
Yang terutama SCS tetap memperhatikan pendidikan karakter anak didiknya selain akademisnya. Semoga SCS sebagai sekolah International School yg makin terjangkau bagi para orang tua yg menginginkan pendidikan terbaik untuk putra putrinya. Terima kasih SCS.

Bu Fenny
G11 parent

My son is a G8 student at SCS. As a parent, I am quite satisfied with the curriculum as well as the facilities. The curriculum accommodates the students not only to grasp the theories, but also to implement them through group projects. I am especially happy with the idea of group projects since it allows the students to experience working with different characters of friends. It also lets them learn how to build teamwork in order to complete a good project. Several quizzes helps the students to better understand in smaller parts of a chapter.

So it creates a pattern for the students to always review what they learn everyday. Furthermore, starting this academic year, SCS offers a new subject called Global Perspective which trains the students to think critically about global issues. It broadens their knowledge by looking at global issues from different points of views. These activities require practices which means start early is better. Expectantly, by the time the students engage in workforce they have mastered such skills. As a student, my son has been very happy because he has experienced different learning methods. He enjoys working with his friends. Even though sometimes he had some arguments but he could handle it by himself. Same as I am, my son is also very pleased to have Global Perspective. He is eager to share his ideas, being open minded, and learn to understand others” points of views.

Bu Vonny
Grade 8 parent
It all began with the school’s belief “Every Child is Unique” this attracted my attention. I believe in the school faculty to educate and enrich my children. The school tries its best to listen and understand every parents’ wants and needs for the best education and character of their children. I really appreciate the openness of the school faculty to receive complaints and suggestions from parents and also students and they try hard to address the matter as good as they could. I hope SCS will grow bigger and better to mold the young generation and produce mind qualitatively.
Bu Catra
P5, G8 & G10 parent
My son has been studying in Surabaya Cambridge School for 4 years now and I think it is a great and unique experience for him because it’s nothing like the other schools he has been to. What he likes most about this school is that people respect everyone. The teachers are very well skilled and are very friendly towards the students. My son never attended an international school and when we were deciding to move him to SCS, we were anxious that he could be discriminated for his poor English skills. But we are happy that he is able to cope with the Cambridge curriculum, which happens to be more advanced than other curricula. His English communication improves and he easily catches up with the other students through the guidance of his teachers. Not only does Cambridge School meet our son’s need academically, but it provides him with opportunities for social growth through extra curricular activities – making it a true school experience. He has made wonderful friends as he continues to build his self-esteem, academic knowledge, and leadership skills. Never have I expected that my son would be actively participating in the students council as he was once an introvert, but looking at where he is now, I realized that sending him to Surabaya Cambridge School is a decision well- made.

Bu Villia
P3 & G11 parent

SCS as an institution, with qualified and experienced teachers, is committed to enhance the children’s education. Teachers do not merely teach to emphasise the development of academic education; they teach wholeheartedly and focus on character building.

Mrs Nelly
Grade 10 parent

In addition to fine education, SCS also nurtures a good character-building programme which is essential for developing well-rounded individuals in the future. I am in deep gratitude to see the long-serving teachers and staff. It’s their dedication and perseverance during these years that make the school’s program and curriculum sustained, all for the benefit of the students.building.

Mrs Fenti
Grade 7 parent

Students’ Testimonials

In five years of studying in SCS, I have acquired valuable knowledge and skills that I will need for my plans in the future. SCS nurtures students to be educated and well-mannered. In addition, the school itself is suitable for students to learn better and socialize well. With a high diversity of students and teachers, SCS helps students to be able to interact with people from different backgrounds and to embrace the differences. The teachers are understanding towards our struggles in both academic and non- academic aspect. They always help and lend out a helping hand to anyone who is falling behind academically. Overall, the school provides a good environment for students to ace in their education.

Denise Ratu Diandra
(taking B.S. Biochemistry at University of Leeds, United Kingdom)

Learning in SCS is very much comparable as to being in a roller coaster. In other words, there will certainly be ups and downs, which create a sense of joy and fear. However, like the end of a roller coaster ride, once you have completed the journey, you will never regret the experience. Furthermore, as a registered Cambridge International School, SCS has given us the opportunity to participate in IGCSE, AS and A level examination which allow us to constantly challenge our understanding and have an upper edge in the competitive world of education.

(taking Bioengineering at NTU, Singapore)

SCS has contributed so much to my academic life. It prepared me from a very young age; refined my character and supported my dreams to pursue the next chapter that life has prepared for me. Taking A Levels was not an easy path to take, yet I am so grateful that I took them as it opened up doors to much more opportunities. It definitely paved the path to a new chapter in my academic life.

(aiming to study at Zhejiang University, China)

The teachers at SCS are very kind, funny but strict at the same time. They encourage us to do our best and to do what is right. The school provides good facilities and gives amazing and fun activities.

Ivanna Quinn Sumardi
(Grade 7)

One thing I love the most is the dedicated teachers who truly care about the students. They do their best to find various ways to teach students in order to keep them engaged in the lessons.

Gracelynn Nadia Limanto
(Grade 9)