The Primary Department believes that by giving learning opportunities like Retreat wherein the students can fellowship with their friends and teachers as well as Learning Journey where they can engage and explore nature and do outdoor activities, we are further honing their skills in order to ultimately prepare them to face bigger and tougher challenges in their adult life.

The celebration of Indonesia’s Independence Day does not only commemorate the freedom of our country but also make us enjoy the traditional games, food and other activities that make us proud to be Indonesians. Diversity in Indonesia is beautiful. In addition to the holding of flag ceremonies, various traditional competitions adorn the moment of the anniversary of Indonesia’s Independence Day.
During this day, SCS celebrates LOVE for family, friends and the people around. The kids are expected to show and live a harmonious relationship with their team not only during the day but everyday whether at home or at school.

A way of educating our children about the true importance of Veterans Day, so we can inform the next generation and take vital steps to bridge the civilian-military division in the future.

Kartini Day is a day commemorated to coincide with the birthday of National Independence Hero RadenAyuKartini (RA Kartini). The objective of Kartini Day is to commemorate and honor the struggle of R.A. Kartini to realize the equal opportunity between men and women in the modern era especially in the field of education and in general gender equality in all fields.

This celebration should have a profound meaning of women’s deliverance and to remind all levels of Indonesian society even the young generation-our children to continue to be consistent in fighting for gender justice.

Therefore, the service of this Kartini is quite significant. Thus, thanks to her who managed to change the mindset that once woman only considered to be a second class but thanks to her presence she can change the mind that women can do anything and also help to work.

The purpose of the day is to inspire our children and let them appreciate the earth’s environment and awareness of issues that threaten it.
Together with the Kartini and Earth Day, the primary department also holds Academics Day. This 3-in-1 activity helps students to share what they have learned in the different subject areas like English, Maths, Science, Chinese, Music, PkN and IPS through a General Quiz Bee. Moreover, they have the chance to perform and excel not only in academics but also to develop and show their love for their country and mother Earth-our home.